The Sequel

9 01 2015



Confedeacy of Dunces is a novel written by John Kennedy Toole. The title comes from a Jonathon Swift work where it was written…”When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” I’m not aware that a true genius has appeared but certainly the 2 men pictured above qualify as a confederacy of the dunce dimension.

I am a recovering NFL addict but things keep appearing on my computer to entice me to watch again. Jerry Jones has so much money that he built Jerry’s World at a cost of $2B. Did it ever occur to him that he could have used that money to benefit the common person instead of himself. Jerry would say, ‘it does benefit the common man. What would he do on Sunday afternoon if America’s Team wasn’t playing?” My answer…”Maybe a creative act.” Jerry would say, “Oh, dig a well?” My answer…”Yes and then we’d lower you and your friend into it.”

Chris Christie is Governor of New Jersey. He has cut state workers’ pensions in order to balance the state’s budget. The Chris and Jerry Show should be featured on SNL with Jerry as Louis XIV and Chris as Marie Antoinette. One will say “after us the deluge,” the other will respond, “let them eat cake.”

With Jerry and Chris at the helm of America’s Team I don’t envision myself giving up the ex-pat life. Walker Percy would be proud of me. It’s time to re-read Confederacy of Dunces.

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